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What It Takes To Be A Teenager

By The Blogging Guild

Being a teenage, one is at a most difficult stage in life. It is where you become introduced to the outside world and learning many new things. So because the brain is still fresh one easily absorbs anything that he\she comes across. That can prove fatal. One can find him\herself starting to be involved in bad activities e.g drugs, gangsterism and teenage pregnancy. The lack of communication between kids and their parents is a very effective tool in the lost youth. That is affecting the country as a whole. Not the culprits as individuals. Teenagers should learn to have discipline,be responsible and have confidence in everything they do. So they can be aware of their mistakes. They need to realize that becoming a criminal or a drug addict is the life you choose, because one has will-power in everything they do. They are only using it for the wrong things and in foul beliefs. If that enthusiasm of stealing and getting drunk can be of being successful and leading an optimistic life. That would result in less teenage pregnancy, and less crime in the country.

Being a teenager can be bothersome - for you and for us. Heed this advice, look, listen and accept.

Just because you, the teenager, can’t afford something that you want (even if the parents do not feel that you should have it or need it in the first place) it doesn’t mean that parents can offer extended credit facilities. Extended credit facilities often mean a permanent loan that will never get paid back. Banks provide credit but they also provide legal representation to get their cash back at some stage in the future.

Life isn’t fair, nobody said it would be fair and I, as a parent, am not going to tell you that it’s fair. It wasn’t fair for me either when I was your age. If you really want to go and live with somebody else’s family, do it. It looks better over there, it might feel better when you’re there, but they don’t have you 24 hours a day and they won’t understand some of your distressing or odd habits like we do.

When you sneeze, use a tissue. When that mucus comes out of your nose it is not appropriate, no not appropriate, for you to wipe it on your sleeve or any other piece of clothing that you may be wearing. It is less appropriate to wipe it on the clothing of other people. Tissues are sold in shops and provided free of charge in this house for your use.

Get out of the habit of expecting everything to drop in your lap. Sometimes you have to work for things, sometimes ask politely for things and sometimes justify things. Accept it.

The teenager years will pass.

Typical Teenagers

Typical Teenagers

Happy, sad, sleepy, mean, Feelings often change, a common act of a typical teen, I find it rather strange.
Talking to a friend, or sending them a text, they talk for hours on end, what’ll they think of next.
They’ll leave their room a mess and give cleaning it a miss, but yes I must confess to also doing this.
They think their folks are ancient, and utterly unfair, the result is to ignore them, before they start to swear.
Their music cracks the ceiling, and makes their parents fume, emotions always reeling, and more time in their room.
Being a teen may seem pretty bad, but from experience I can tell, it’s much worse for the mum and dad, for them its living hell!


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